Monday 15 July 2013

Day 21 - Week 3!

Time to start moving to weeks!

Been quite slow since the last post. Tick bite they think gave me Lyme's disease so I've been on anti-b's for 2 weeks - the latest ones have the very strange requirement to stay out of the sun as they make you very photosensitive. Unfortunately we're currently in our 'once in 7 yr heat waves' so the sun has been burning down! However, I did get the lime down (5 kg for the brassica plot) and planted out the kale. Today just popped in to water and hoe but in the evening slipped back at 8pm, dug another metre and planted some donated spuds.

I've got moles! Very cute I'm sure, but I can seen that the buried plants and the water breaking through into tunnels (so being wasted) could get annoying. Still novel at the moment though...

Potato troughs. The second was dug today, the first was populated!

 Day 21 - not much light but you can see the extra bed growing from the last shot

I think the sky should look like this every time you leave the allotment! If the light isn't failing, why are you going home ;) (Because you're knackered, sweaty, out of water, want to see the family all valid excuses, but you see my point ;) ).

Next time hopefully finish the potato plot and plant up the last pots. Then its onto bed 4 - the misc bed...

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