Took day 11 as a vegging day (me, not plot related!). Let the sunburn die down and take it easy. Really was a hard dig on day 10!
Day 12 was a catch-up. Got some timber and delivered. Strengthened some pallets and sunk in some creosoted baton posts to support them. Result was 2 huge (and I mean huge) compost bins. Moved the massive pile of weeds in, layered with guinea pig sweepings, lime and soil layers. Plenty of water and covered in carpet. Reckon that I might manage to fill one bin by the time I've cleared the whole plot.
Lets see if I can run it hot!
Also put up my bean poles and planted in some runners that I bought as small plants.
That tiny strip in the back left in front of the beans is the bit that broke me a few days ago! Compost heap is in the back left behind the canes.
Small crop of strawberries being shown off in front of the courgettes which have taken very well.
Below is a close up of today's work. The closest bin is the one about a third full. Need to remember to tie the netting at the top a bit more - currently just hooked in at the corners.
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